3 months use (silver mist) background picture

How To Wear Contact Lenses

  1. Wash Your Hands: Clean hands thoroughly with soap and water, and dry with a lint-free towel before handling lenses.
  2. Prepare Your Lens: Remove one lens from its case, shaking off excess solution.
  3. Inspect Your Lens: Check for damage and ensure the lens is not inside out.
  4. Hold Your Eye Open: Use your non-dominant hand to hold your upper eyelid open.
  5. Insert the Lens: Place the lens on your index finger, pull down your lower eyelid, and place the lens on your eye without blinking.
  6. Blink and Check: Blink to center the lens and ensure comfort and clear vision.
  7. Repeat for the Other Eye: Follow the same steps for the other eye.
  8. Remove the Lenses: With clean hands, pull down your lower eyelid and gently pinch the lens to remove it.
  9. Clean and Store the Lenses: Clean with the appropriate solution and store in a clean case with fresh solution.
  10. Repeat Daily: Follow these steps daily and consult your eye doctor if you experience any irritation or discomfort.
Citrine Crystal Bella Contact Lenses from the One Day Collection

Important Considerations When Buying Contact Lenses

When purchasing colored contact lenses, consider these key factors:

  1. Prescription: Consult an eye care professional if you need corrective colored lenses. Plano lenses are for aesthetic purposes only, while prescription lenses can correct vision and enhance appearance.
  2. Material and Oxygen Permeability: Choose lenses made from high-quality materials that allow adequate oxygen flow to maintain eye health and comfort.
  3. FDA Approval: Ensure the lenses are FDA-approved for safety and quality.
  4. Natural Look: Opt for lenses with subtle color variations that mimic the natural iris for a natural appearance.
  5. Lens Care and Maintenance: Follow care guidelines to clean, disinfect, and store lenses properly, preventing infections and extending their life.
  6. Allergies and Sensitivities: Check the lens composition if you have allergies or sensitivities and consult your eye care professional.
  7. Reputable Source: Buy from licensed retailers to avoid risks associated with unverified online sellers.
elite collection

The Fashionable Side of Contact Lenses: Exploring Colored Lenses Trend

  1. Colored contact lenses combine fashion and innovation, transforming each blink into a style statement.
  2. Originally functional, contact lenses have become a dynamic fashion accessory, promoting self-expression and creativity.
  3. They offer endless possibilities, from subtly enhancing natural eye color to experimenting with vivid hues.
  4. Trends range from understated elegance to bold experimentation, reflecting personality and mood.
  5. Fashion influencers and enthusiasts globally use colored contact lenses to transform appearance, confidence, and attitude.
  6. Wearing colored lenses is a journey of self-discovery, celebrating individuality and unique identity through fashion.